4Corners Taxonomy was cultivated from years of experience and research. The goal was to create a systemic program that would progress athletes through various development stages on their ability to achieve domain level objectives.
4 Domains of Lacrosse through 4 Stages of Development, hence 4Corners Lacrosse
1. Beginner (8-11)
2. Intermediate (10-13)
3. Experienced (12-16)
4. Established (15-22)
Each Domain has multiple standards that "make up" the Domain. Within each standard are SMART objectives we use as benchmarks for athletes to learn and develop at that specific stage. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Each stage, has different objectives that range from lower levels of learning (Beginner) to higher levels of learning (Established)
Like state educational standards, these objectives create a blueprint for what the athlete should master at stage of development. These benchmarks guide our coaching. The ultimate goal is to progress each of our players from the Beginners stage to the Established stage, hence our slogan Become Established
Stage: Intermediate
Domain: Lacrosse Skill
Standard: Lacrosse Catching
SMART Objective: LS_C 2.1 - By the end of the Intermediate stage, graduates will be able to catch a ball over the shoulder and going to the ball with both hands, at least 4 times consecutively
Meeting the Objective: Developmentally appropriate and skill aligned drills, demonstrations, and skill cues provided in practice and trainings.